Friday, July 27, 2012

Error: Access Denied – SharePoint 2010

The following are the Troubleshoot steps:

 1) Check whether the user is added into the Central Administrator.

 2) Check whether the user is added into the particular Site collection .

 3) Delete all the user from the "UserInfo".table

 4) Open the DB then open the table called "UserInfo" and check the 'tp_Admin' is true or false. If it's false make it as true. 

Active directory - Sharepoint - is an e-mail distribution list and cannot be added to the Website directly. Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Group type should always be in security and not in Distributed.

If it is in distributed then the group will not be displayed in a site collection or may throw Active directory - Sharepoint - is an e-mail distribution list and cannot be added to the Website directly. Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How to: Debug a Timer Job


To debug a timer job in Visual Studio 2010
  1. On the Start menu, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Services.
  2. In the Services window, make sure the SharePoint 2010 Timer service is started.
  3. Open the Visual Studio 2010 project that contains your timer job.
    Make sure that the code has not changed since you deployed the timer job; otherwise, the debugger will not match your source code to the deployed assembly.
  4. Set a breakpoint in the Execute method of your job definition class.Ff798310.3aebdfeb-2b19-41aa-a8e2-431acfdc1185(en-us,PandP.10).png
  5. On the Debug menu, click Attach to Process.
  6. In the Attach to Process dialog box, click OWSTIMER.EXE, and then click Attach.Ff798310.85cd2ff8-42a3-47c4-8940-5565d391b020(en-us,PandP.10).png
  7. If the Attach Security Warning dialog box is displayed, click Attach.
  8. In the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, click Monitoring, and then click Review job definitions.
  9. Click the name of your job, and then click Run Now on the Edit Timer Job page.
  10. Verify that the Visual Studio 2010 debugger stops execution on your breakpoint.Ff798310.9a4a3603-9483-48d3-a7df-49c81490d044(en-us,PandP.10).png

Monday, July 16, 2012

SharePoint: How to add JavaScript to a Content Editor Web Part or How to change from “Add new announcement” or Add Document in Sharepoint 2010

The following may be a bit redundant as it has been part of many of my “JavaScript hacks” posts, but I’m asked so often I thought I would put it in a article by itself.

The Content Editor Web Part (CEWP)

SharePoint 2007 gave us a nice little web part to insert HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and even just some text, in any web part page. SharePoint 2010 “broke” this web part a bit by trying to “fix up” our code. Add a little JavaScript to a CEWP and you will get this message:
The message may mean that it did nothing to your code, reformatted your code (in strange ways), or completely removed your code!
Here’s a before and after of a “reformat”: 
clip_image002  clip_image002[4]

Link to your custom code, don’t add it directly to the CEWP

For both 2007 and 2010 the best practice is to link from the CEWP to a text file with your content. To avoid the problem with the random edits made by 2010 just upload a text file containing the code to a library. Then in the CEWP just click the Edit Web Part option in the dropdown and add the link to the code file. This has added benefit of using any HTML, CSS and JavaScript editor such as Visual Studio or SharePoint Designer to edit your code.

  1. Create your HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript in a text file, Notepad will do, and save it with any file extension.
    Tip: Name your file with a .HTM extension and then the SharePoint libraries will add a “Edit in SharePoint Designer” link in the file’s dropdown menu!

    Notes: Your JavaScript should be enclosed in <script> tags and your CSS should be enclosed in <style> tags.

  2. After uploading to a library, right-click the file’s name and copy the shortcut
  3. Go go your SharePoint and insert a Content Editor Web Part
    (2010 on the left, 2007 on the right)
        image clip_image002[9]
  4. Click the web part’s dropdown menu and click Edit
  5. Paste the URL to the Notepad file in the Content Link box
  6. Save your changes and test

    And if you have any errors, just open the HTM file in SharePoint Designer, make your changes and save, and then go back to the browser and click refresh!  Much faster than constantly editing and save the web part.

Hide the title area

If the CEWP only contains HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript then you may want to hide the web part’s title bar. In the properties editor, expand Appearance, click the Chrome Type dropdown and select None.
Tip: Don’t “hide” the web part. Just turn off its title bar.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

What is SharePoint Workspace 2010?

Microsoft SharePoint Workspace 2010 is a client application, included with Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, which provides fast, any-time interactive access to document libraries and lists from Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010.
By using SharePoint Workspace 2010, users can easily synchronize online and offline content with a designated SharePoint site or collaborate with external partners and offsite team members through shared workspaces. The following picture illustrates the product user interface:

In the above, I’ve created a SharePoint Workspace called “TeamKemp” and synchronised it with as many SharePoint Server 2010 lists and libraries as I could (as shown in the Content pane). I’ve expanded the Shared Documents library, within which are four files. The Ribbon UI illustrates the options I have available.
For much more information on SharePoint Workspace 2010, including a description of the different workspace types that can be created within SharePoint Workspace 2010, please see articles such as this article

Offline Working Functionality
The table below lists what functionality is provided with SharePoint Workspace 2010 in relation to SharePoint Server 2010. It’s in a similar format to my much older post which compared Groove 2007, OneNote 2007 and Outlook 2007 with SharePoint Server 2007.
I hope that for those using the previous products, the table below will act as a good comparison:
For those of you who were familiar with Groove 2007’s offline working capabilities you will notice some great improvements, including the number of lists that can be taken offline with SharePoint Workspace 2010. There are however still some lists and libraries that are only “Available on server” (i.e. not in SharePoint Workspace).

Technical Implementation and Constraints
The table summarises how SharePoint Workspace 2010 delivers the offline working capabilities described above:
For me the major improvement here is the way file synchronisation works. SharePoint Workspace 2010 aims to only synchronise the changes made to document and list items, rather than whole files. In environments where bandwidth is already limited, this can be extremely useful.
In short, SharePoint Workspace 2010 is a major improvement over Groove 2007. As the name suggests, it’s been designed to work with SharePoint Server 2010 and I think it delivers on this :). I hope this post has been a concise yet useful blog post.

SSRS - Error in PerformancePoint 2010...

While trying to create a new data source in PerformancePoint 2010 Dashboard Designer, I got an error message as This data source cannot be used because performancepoint services is not configured correctly. The error message is shown in the below figure. I got it after providing the server and while trying to expand the available databases.

This is because that the PerformancePoint is not configured correctly. While configuring PerformancePoint, we need to configure Unattended Service Account. The error occurred due to that account is not configured correctly.
To fix that issue we need to re-configure that unattended service account correctly.
To configure unattended service account, you need a Secure Store Service Key.

Steps to fix the above issue are
  • To generate a secure store service key, go to SharePoint 2010 Central Administration →Application Management → Manage Service Applications → Secure Store Service
  • Then click on Generate New Key
  • Once that is done go to the SharePoint 2010 Central Administration → Application Management → Manage Service Applications → PerformancePoint Service Application
  • Then select Performance Point Service Application Settings
  • In the Unattended Service Account section, enter the user name and password for the account that you want to use as the unattended service account. This is the account that PerformancePoint Service will use to connect to the data source unless you use Per User Identity.
  • Click Ok and if the provided account details are correct, it will be successful.
  • Then go to the Dashboard Designer and try to create the data source again and you will not get that error message.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Integrating Sharepoint 2010 and SQL Reporting Services 2008 in 6 easy steps

There are only 6 main steps to achieve this task assuming you already have an instance of SQL Server Reporting Services and SharePoint 2010.
I had created this starting from a clean installation of SQL Reporting Services so this guide will discuss the steps on configuring your SQL Reporting Services 2008 for integration with SharePoint 2010.

Step 1: Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Web Service URL

Simply go to Reporting Services Configuration Manager and choose Web Service URL and populate the following needed information. The fields are named properly so I guess there is no need for further explanation. What this does is that it configures the IIS for you depending on what Virtual Directory names you had declared.

Step 2: Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Create a Report Database

Same here, fields need no further explanation except for one which is Native Mode and SharePoint Integrated mode which I will explain below.
Choose create a database or if you already have one choose an existing one. For this example, we will create a new one:

Connect to the database where you want your Report Data to be stored:

Give it a Name and a Report Server Mode.
With SharePoint Integrated Mode the report RDLs are stored on SharePoint and not in the Report Database. For this instance, we will use the SharePoint Integrated Mode:

Specify the credentials that the report server will use to connect to the database.

Review your configuration.

Then wait while it's configured.

Step 3: Configuring SQL Reporting Services – Create a Report Manager URL

What this does is that it configures the IIS for you depending on what Virtual Directory names you had declared.

That’s it. At this point, your report server is configured for SharePoint Integration 2010.

Step 4: SharePoint Integration Configuration – Reporting Services Integration

Simply go to SharePoint 2010 Central Administration, then General Application Settings, then choose Reporting Services Integration.

Now populate the fields using the Web Service URL you had configured a while ago on Step 2 of this guide.

Once done, you will see the Activation State message.

Step 5: SharePoint Integration Configuration – Add a Report Server to the Integration

Now add the report server by putting the Server Name and the Server instance.

At this point it's all done, all you have to do now is try it out.

Step 6: Verify by Checking the Server and Uploading a Report

To verify if it's now integrated, go to Site Settings on your SharePoint Site, then Site Collection Features.

Check if the Report Server Integration Feature is Active, if not just click activate:

Now try to use the SQL Server Reporting Services Webpart:

Or you can also upload a report from a library.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

SharePoint Regional Settings - IF your created date is showing wongly then you can follow this

The regional settings page is used to configure culture-specific information such as locale, sort order, time zone, calendar type etc. There are two types of regional settings: User Regional Settings andSite Regional Settings.

#1. User Regional Settings

These settings only affect your own account. Individual users can either use the default regional settings that are set on a specific site or set their own regional settings. This ability makes it easier for users who are in different countries or regions to collaborate on documents that are in the same SharePoint site, regardless of what region an user is working from.  Here are the steps to set your regional settings:
1. Open web browser, navigate to SharePoint site, click on dropdown of your account and click the “My Settings” menu as shown in the figure below
    My Settings 
2. On the “User Information” page, click the link “My Regional Settings
   My Regional Settings
3. The user regional settings page will be opened as shown in the figure below. In order to enable your own regional settings. Un-check the “Always follow web settings” checkbox.
   uncheck Always follow web settings
NoteSort order can only be set at site level, all other settings can be set for individual users.
You can access Regional settings directly from the URL, just type
http://<server>/_layout/regionalsetng.aspx  in the web browser’s address bar.

#2. Site Regional Settings

These settings affect the current site or site collection. Here are the steps to set the site regional settings:
1. Open a web browser such as Internet explorer, navigate to a SharePoint site, click on “Site Actions” and then select “Site Settings
   Site Actions _ Site Settings
2. Site Settings will open as shown in the figure below then. Click “Regional settings” under “Site Administration”.
 Regional settings under Site Administration    
3. The regional settings is shown in the figure below. You can then set or change any of these settings.
   Regional Settings
You can access Regional settings directly from the URL, just type
http://<server>/_layout/regionalsetng.aspx  in the web browser’s address bar.


Alternate Calendar

There are many calendar types in the world besides the Gregorian calendar. What if you want to know the date in another calendar type? Alternate Calendar gives the option of displaying two calendar types in one view! You can enable Alternate Calendar in SharePoint by navigating to the regional settings (Site Actions > Site Settings > Regional Settings) and set Alternate Calendar to the desired calendar type.
For Example in the figure below, Calendar type is Gregorian and Alternate Calendar type will be set to Hijri
Calendar type 
Navigate to the Calendar view of the Calendar list. As you see below, with Hijriselected as the Alternate Calendar, the date display shows the Hijri date on the right on each day in ().
Hijri calendar 
NOTE:  The alternate calendar appears only in the Calendar view.


Bi-Directional Layout

There are four areas in SharePoint Foundation 2010 that enable the right-to-left reading order or alignment for users of bi-directional languages such as Arabic and Hebrew. These features are List DirectionColumn DirectionWeb Part Direction and Direction in Multiple Lines of Text Column. For full capability of Right to left, you can install Language Pack or Full version of Arabic or Hebrew.

#1. List Direction

This allows users to set the layout or reading order of list in SharePoint Foundation 2010. In order to enable this feature in English or non Bi-directional version, you need to set Locale in Regional Settings to a bi-directional locale such as an Arabic orHebrew locales. After that when you navigate to the General Settings of ListSettings. A new section called ‘Direction' will be available in the General Settings ofList Settings (Click List in Ribbon menu > List Settings > Title, description and navigation) as shown the figure below.
List direction 
List will now be displayed in the Right-to-Left reading order.
Right-to-Left reading order 

#2. Column Direction

This allows users to set reading order of a column in SharePoint. In order to enable this feature in English or non Bi-directional version, you need to set the Locale in theRegional Settings to a locale with Bi-directionality, such as Arabic or Hebrew. After that when you create new column. You will get Direction settings in Additional Column Settings section of column (Click List in Ribbon menu > List Settings > click your column) as shown the figure below
Column direction 
The column will have right-to-left reading order, as shown the figure below.
Right-to-Left column direction 
NOTEThe Locale in the User Regional Settings doesn’t apply to List and Column direction options.

#3. Web Part Direction

This allows users to set layout of the Web part to left-to-right or right-to-left. The default value is None, which indicates that the layout of the Web part will inherit from the site (Language of the site). To access the direction option of the Web Part, click Site Actions > Edit Page, click down arrow of the Web part and select Edit Web Part.
Web part direction 
The Web Part property dialog will show up. Expand the Layout section, there is aDirection dropdown which user can set to NoneLeft-to-right and Right-to-left. ClickApply. For example: The figure below, the Web part layout is set to Right-to-left.The Title of the Web Part is moved to the right side.
Web part direction details 

#4. Direction in Multiple Lines of Text Column

Page direction allows users to set the reading order of the content within Multiple lines of text column which is using Rich Text Edit (RTE) control (Set “Specify the type of text to allow:” option to either Rich text or Enhanced rich text). The default page direction will follow the main page layout, based on the display language of the site. The RTE control has the reading order icons which are shown in the figure (A) and (B)
(ADirection in Multiple Lines of Text Column
(BDirection in Multiple Lines of Text Column